Hadra Busia Singleton Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Hadra Busia Singleton is a 26-year-old girl from Los Angeles, California, famous for being the daughter of the late American director John Singleton. Hadra was born on April 3, 1997; her parents are John Singleton and Akosua Busia.

She is 1.68 meters tall and weight around 55 kg. Hadra’s net worth is estimated to be around $1.447 million. Hadra comes from a talented and successful family and is making a name for herself in the entertainment industry. 

Who is Hadra Busia Singleton?

Hadra Busia Singleton is a young lady with a special story. Her dad was a famous movie maker, and her mom was a great actress. This means she grew up in a world of stories, movies, and creativity. Imagine living in a house where making up stories and playing pretend is part of your everyday life! Hadra is also known for being very kind and loves animals a lot. She enjoys doing things like drawing, reading, and exploring new places. Think about how fun it would be to draw your favorite animal or read a book that takes you on an adventure. That’s the kind of stuff Hadra loves to do.

Plus, she travels with her family and learns about new places, which is like being on a treasure hunt where you always discover new things. Even though she’s related to some very creative people, Hadra is making her path with her talents and interests. Imagine what stories she’ll tell or the adventures she’ll have. Like in books and movies, there’s always something exciting around the corner!


Category Details
Full Name Hadra Busia Singleton
Born Date April 3, 1997
Age 26 years (as of 2024)
Height 1.68 meters
Weight Approximately 55 kg
Profession Actress and model
Country United States of America
Net Worth Estimated to be around $1.447 million
Early Life and Education Grew up in Los Angeles surrounded by creativity; attended school, enjoyed drawing and reading.
Parents Father: John Singleton (film director)
Mother: Akosua Busia (actress)
Siblings Has siblings; specific details not widely publicized.
Personal Life Boyfriend: Information not publicly disclosed.
– Known for kindness and love for animals.
Hobbies – Reading books
– Drawing and painting
– Playing outdoors
– Watching movies
– Listening to music
– Traveling with family
– Cooking fun snacks
Career Still developing; may follow in family’s footsteps or pursue diverse interests in creativity and arts.
Legacy and Impact Building a legacy through creativity, kindness, and exploration.
Fun Facts – Unique name
– Has a significant love for animals
– Enjoys exploring new places with family
– Creative interests include drawing and painting
Future Projects and Aspirations Uncertain but expected to be impactful, possibly involving storytelling, art, or travel.


Early Life and Education: Building the Foundation

Hadra Busia Singleton grew up in Los Angeles, a big, busy city full of dreams and stories. As a little girl, she was always surrounded by creativity because of her dad, a movie director, and her mom, an actress. This world of make-believe and storytelling was her playground. Going to school, Hadra learned just like you – reading, writing, and a bit of math.

She loved her teachers and made lots of friends. Hadra was curious, always asking questions, and eager to learn new things. The school wasn’t just about books for her; it was also a place to share stories, draw her favorite animals, and dream about adventures. Her education was the first step in building her path, like building blocks, one lesson at a time. Every day was a new adventure, full of learning and fun.

Parents and Siblings

Hadra’s mommy, Akosua Busia, is a super-talented actress. She loves acting just like when you play pretend. Hadra’s daddy was John Singleton, who was like a magician with movies, making stories come to life on the screen. Imagine your parents creating worlds where anything can happen! Hadra also has brothers and sisters.

They are part of her team, like how your friends or siblings might join you on a backyard adventure. Together, they make Hadra’s family a special group of people, all sharing and making memories, just like your family does.

Hadra Busia Singleton Boyfriend

When talking about boyfriends or girlfriends, Hadra Busia Singleton is like a book without pictures; there is little to see! Like some stories keep their mysteries until the end, Hadra’s story about whether or not she has a boyfriend is her private secret. Think of it like having a secret treasure map or a special hideout that only you and your best friend know about.

It’s fun to have secrets sometimes. So, if Hadra has someone special in her life, she’s keeping it as if it were a secret adventure to explore. And that’s perfectly okay because everyone has stories and secrets that make their life exciting and unique!

Hadra Busia Singleton Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Let’s talk about how old Hadra is and what she looks like! Hadra Busia Singleton is 26 years old, which means she’s been around for quite a while, growing and learning many cool things. Imagine all the birthday cakes she’s had! Hadra is pretty tall, standing at 1.68 meters. That’s like stacking your favorite books on top of each other until they reach as high as your big brother or sister!

Hadra Busia Singleton

She weighs about 55 kg as if you picked up five big watermelons at the grocery store. Looking at Hadra, you’ll see someone who smiles and probably loves to laugh. She has a unique look because of her mom and dad, making her stand out in a crowd. You might have your mom’s eyes or your dad’s hair, but Hadra also got special things from her parents. She’s just the right mix of her mom and dad, which makes her extra special.

Hadra Busia Singleton Before Fame

Long before Hadra Busia Singleton became known for being the daughter of a famous movie director and a talented actress, she was just a little girl growing up in Los Angeles. Imagine a city where the sun shines brightly, and there are lots of places to explore. Hadra spent her days playing, drawing, and listening to stories from her parents.

She was like any other kid, attending school, making friends, and learning new things daily. Her life was full of fun and adventures, even without cameras and movie sets. This was when Hadra discovered what she loved to do, like reading books and playing outside. Like every big tree starts as a small seed, Hadra’s early life was the beginning of her own story.

Hadra Busia Singleton Career

When we think about what someone does when they grow up, we’re talking about their career. Hadra Busia Singleton’s career path is a bit of a mystery. She might decide to walk on a similar path since she comes from a family where creating stories and making movies is what they do best. Maybe she will become an amazing storyteller like her dad or light up the screen like her mom.

Or perhaps Hadra will choose a different adventure, combining all her loves – reading, drawing, and exploring. The cool thing about careers is picking what makes you happiest. So, for now, Hadra’s career is like an unwritten book, waiting for her to fill its pages with her own exciting stories. And just like Hadra, you have the power to dream up your future career, too!

Net Worth: A Glimpse Into hydra’s Financial Success

Imagine you have a big piggy bank, and every time you do something awesome, like finishing your homework or helping around the house, you get coins to put inside. The more good things you do, the more coins you get. Now, think about Hadra Busia Singleton, who has her giant piggy bank, but instead of coins, it’s filled with dollars. Her piggy bank is big because it’s worth about $1.447 million!

Hadra Busia Singleton

That’s a lot of dollars. Hadra’s piggy bank got so full because she comes from a family where making movies and acting in them is like doing many awesome things all the time. Even though we’re still determining exactly how Hadra’s piggy bank got so full, it shows she’s doing great things, just like when you fill up your piggy bank at home. Remember, it’s not just about how big the piggy bank is, but the fun and good things you do to fill it up.

Hadra Busia Singleton Legacy and Impact

Imagine a world where everyone does something special that makes the world a better place. That’s what we call a legacy. Hadra Busia Singleton, even though she is young, is starting to create her legacy, just like a tiny seed growing into a beautiful tree. Her parents, a fantastic movie director and a talented actress, have inspired her to spread kindness and creativity wherever she goes. By sharing her love for animals, drawing beautiful pictures, and reading exciting books, Hadra is making the world a happier place.

Every smile she brings to someone’s face and every story she shares adds to her legacy. It’s like when you help a friend or draw a picture for your family; you’re making a positive impact, too. Hadra teaches us that no matter how young you are, you can start building your legacy with the things you love to do. Just like a puzzle, every good deed or creative work is a piece that helps complete the beautiful picture of the world.

Hadra Busia Singleton Future Projects and Aspirations

What will Hadra Busia Singleton do next? We’re still determining, but she has many paths she could choose. For example, when you dream about becoming an astronaut, a teacher, or a superhero, Hadra has dreams, too.

She may write stories, become an artist, or help animals. She could also travel more and learn about new places. Whatever Hadra decides to do, it will be an exciting adventure. And remember, just like Hadra, you can dream big and work hard to make your dreams come true, too!


Loves to Read: Hadra Busia Singleton enjoys spending time with books. Whether it’s a fairy tale or adventure, she loves diving into different worlds through reading.

Drawing and Painting: She likes to draw and paint, creating colorful pictures of anything that catches her fancy, from animals to landscapes.

Playing Outdoors: Hadra loves to play outside, especially in the park. She enjoys running around, playing games with friends, and exploring nature.

Watching Movies: Hadra enjoys watching movies like many kids. She has a few favorites that she loves to watch over and over.

Listening to Music: One of Hadra’s hobbies is music. She enjoys listening to different music and sometimes even dances to her favorite songs.

Traveling with Family: Hadra likes to travel and see new places with her family. Each trip is an adventure where she learns something new.

Cooking Fun Snacks: She has fun cooking simple snacks in the kitchen, sometimes with the help of her family.

It’s a tasty way to spend time! These hobbies keep Hadra busy and happy, making each day a little adventure.

Interesting Facts About Hadra Busia Singleton 

Family of Stars: Hadra Busia Singleton daddy was a famous movie director, and her mommy is a talented actress. This means she grew up around movies and storytelling! 

Unique Name: Her name, “Hadra,” is special and uncommon. It makes her stand out!

Loves Animals: Hadra Busia Singleton has a big heart for animals. She might have a favorite pet or love learning about different kinds of animals.

Birthday Parties: Since Hadra was born on April 3, she has had springtime birthday parties. Maybe she enjoys outdoor parties with fun games.

Creative: With drawing and painting as her hobbies, Hadra is very creative. She might create beautiful art that tells stories.

Exploring the World: Traveling with her family means Hadra has seen many cool places. Each place has its own story and fun things to discover.

Bookworm: Hadra loves to read. Imagine her exploring magical lands and going on exciting adventures through her books.


Do you have questions about Hadra Busia Singleton? Let’s answer some of them in a way that’s easy to understand!

How old is Hadra?

Hadra Busia Singleton is 26 years old as of 2024. That means she’s much older than you!

Who are Hadra’s parents?

Hadra Busia Singleton  dad was John Singleton, a famous movie director; her mom was Akosua Busia, a talented actress. Both of them are very creative people!

What are some things Hadra likes to do?

Hadra Busia Singleton loves reading books, drawing, painting, playing outside, watching movies, listening to music, traveling with her family, and cooking fun snacks. She’s always busy doing something interesting!

Does Hadra have any siblings?

This isn’t mentioned, so we’re not sure. Sometimes, families like to keep certain things private. 

What is something special about Hadra?

Apart from being the daughter of very talented parents, Hadra has a unique name, and she’s very creative, just like her mom and dad. She enjoys exploring the world and learning new things. Remember, everyone has something special about them, just like Hadra does. 


In wrapping up, we’ve taken a fun journey to learn about Hadra Busia Singleton. She’s not just any 26-year-old; she’s full of creativity, adventure, and a big love for books and animals. Her life is like a fascinating story, inspired by her famous parents and filled with hobbies that make every day exciting.

Remember, just like Hadra, you have unique things about you that make you special. Whether you love reading, drawing, or exploring, keep curious and discover new things. Hadra’s story teaches us that no matter who your family is, your passions and dreams add wonderful chapters to your life story. Keep exploring, dreaming, and being the amazing you!

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