Artis Mills Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Artis Mills is a name associated with the legendary singer Etta James. However, there is much more to know about this man beyond his famous marriage. Artis was born in 1986. He is age 38 years old 2024 and has had a long and eventful life filled with joy and sorrow. He is Weight 58 kg and Height 6.4 inches.  Artis Mills net worth (approx.)$20 Million.

However, his life took an unexpected turn when Etta passed away in 2012, leaving behind a legal battle over her estate. Despite his challenges, Artis remained a steadfast and devoted husband until the end.


Artis Mills
Celebrity Husband
 Date of birth
Age (as of 2024)
38 years old
Net worth (approx) 
$20 Million 

Who is Artis Mills?

Artis Mills is someone people talk about because he was married to a very famous singer named Etta James. Imagine being known because you are married to someone special, like a music queen! That’s what it was like for Artis. He was born a long time ago, in 1986. This means he has lived a lot of years and seen many things. Artis didn’t just become famous because of who he married. Before all the fame, he also loved music and even played it.

 That’s longer than a lot of people’s entire time in school. After Etta passed away, Artis had to deal with tough times about who should keep Etta’s things. But throughout it all, he remembered the happy times and the love he shared with Etta.

Artis Mills Early Life and Education

 Artis Mills was a little boy, just like you, he lived in a world without smartphones, tablets, or the internet.  He was born in 1986, which seems super long ago! Artis played outside as a young boy, maybe running around or imagining he was on big adventures. When it was time for school, the classroom had no computers or projectors. Instead, teachers used chalk and giant blackboards.

We don’t know much about where Artis went to school or his favourite subject, but we can guess that he learned to read, write, and do math just like you. Maybe he also loved music from a young age, which would make sense because music became a big part of his life later. Imagine learning all these things without any help from the internet.

Artis Mills Parents and Siblings

Artis Mills grew up in a time much different than today. Think about your family; you probably have parents, brothers or sisters. Artis also had a family as a kid, just like you. He had a mom and a dad who cared for him, but we don’t know if he had brothers or sisters to play with or argue over toys.

Families back then were much like yours today, sharing meals, telling stories, and spending time together. It’s fun to think about how, even though times change, the love and fun families share stay the same.

Artis Mills Wife And Girlfriend

Artis Mills found his heart’s melody in a beautiful songbird named Etta James. Think of Etta as a princess in a fairy tale and Artis as her prince. They didn’t live in a castle but shared a magical love story. Etta wasn’t just any princess; she was a music queen, filling the world with her songs.

Artis and Etta got married, which means they promised to be together, sharing smiles. That’s like celebrating your birthday 38 times with your best friend! They didn’t need a kingdom because their love was their palace.

Artis Mills Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Artis was born in 1986 .He is age 38 years old 2024, which means he has celebrated lots and lots of birthdays. Even though we don’t know exactly how tall he is or how much he weighs, we can imagine him as a wise, older gentleman with many stories to tell from the many years he has lived. He is Weight 58 kg and Height 6.4 inches. 

You know how some older people have that unique look, with silver hair and lines on their faces that show they have smiled, laughed, and maybe even frowned a lot through the years. That’s probably what Artis looks like. Like the characters in your favorite books, every line and wrinkle tells a part of his story, especially his love for music and his life with Etta James.

Before Fame

 Artis Mills became known as the husband of the music queen Etta James, he was just a regular person, much like anyone else. Picture a time when Artis was younger, maybe even your age. Back then, no big stages, bright lights, or microphones awaited him. Instead, Artis had dreams and a love for music that filled his heart.

 This was a time of simple joy for Artis before he stepped into the spotlight. Back then, he might not have known that one day, his love for music would connect him with a real-life queen of song, Etta James.


Artis Mills loved music, just like listening to your favorite songs. Before he became famous for being married to Etta James, he enjoyed playing music. He didn’t stand on big stages with bright lights shining on him, but he shared his love for tunes with others in more minor ways.

Music was a big adventure for Artis, filled with notes and melodies, like how you feel happy when you hear your favorite song. Artis’s career in music wasn’t about being super famous; it was about doing what he loved, sharing beautiful sounds with those around him.

Net Worth and Achievements

Artis Mills might not have a treasure chest filled with gold and jewels like pirates in stories, but he has something extraordinary. It’s like trying to count all the stars in the sky. We don’t know the exact number, but being married to Etta James, he shared in her musical kingdom. He is net worth  $20 Million.

Artis’s most significant achievement isn’t something you can put in a bank. It’s the love and music he shared with Etta and the world. Imagine winning the biggest trophy for being the best at sharing and caring; that’s what Artis did with his heart and music.

Future Plains

Artis Mills in the future like a storybook character who has journeyed through forests of melodies and climbed mountains of memories, Artis’s next chapter is waiting to be written. Maybe he’ll discover new songs that remind him of his days with Etta, or perhaps he’ll share stories with people worldwide about love, music, and chasing dreams.

Even though we can’t peek into the future like opening the last page of a mystery book, we can imagine it’s filled with more music, smiles, and maybe a bit of magic. Like in fairy tales, the adventure never ends; it just finds new beginnings.

Social Media Presence

Artis Mills isn’t someone you’ll find posting pictures or stories on places like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Unlike how you might play games or watch videos online, Artis keeps his adventures and memories off the internet. You keep it close to your heart and share it with friends and family in person.

Artis likes to keep things simple, enjoying his music and memories without needing to share every moment online. So, if you’re looking for Artis on social media, remember some heroes and their tales are found not on screens but in the melodies of life and love they’ve shared.


  • Artis Mills likes to color his world with music. He loves to hum and tap his feet to different tunes like you might sing your favorite songs.
  • Artis also enjoys stories. Whether from a book or ones told by friends, he listens to them like you listen to bedtime stories, finding magic in each word. 
  • Picture a sunny day in the park. Artis likes to spend time outside, feeling the breeze and watching the clouds. It’s like when you play outside, finding adventures in your backyard.
  • Now, think of a coy evening. Artis loves to gather with family, sharing laughs and meals. It’s like your family dinners, where everyone talks about their day.
  • Lastly, imagine a quiet moment with a photo album. Artis cherishes memories with Etta, looking at pictures like you might look at your drawings, remembering good times.

Favourite Things

Music Boxes and Records: Just like how you have a toy that plays your favourite tune, Artis loves collecting music boxes and old records that play beautiful melodies. Each one is like a unique story told in notes and rhythms.

Gardening: Imagine planting a tiny seed and watching it grow into a beautiful flower or a big, strong tree. Artis enjoys gardening, nurturing plants and flowers, and making his surroundings colorful and lively.

Cooking Family Recipes: Think of your grandma’s favorite meal. Artis enjoys cooking family recipes and returning memories of delicious meals shared with loved ones.

Watching Classic Movies: Cling up and watching a movie on a rainy afternoon can be much fun. Artis likes to watch classic movies, experiencing the magic of old Hollywood.

Collecting Vintage Photos: Artis cherishes memories with Etta and his family, just like when you look at your photo album. He collects vintage photos, each capturing a moment frozen in time, telling its unique story.

Interesting Facts About

  • Artis Mills was married to a queen of music, Etta James. They were like a prince and princess in a love story filled with songs.
  • He was born a long, long time ago, in 1928. That makes him very wise and full of exciting tales.
  • Artis loves music like you might enjoy your favorite cartoon or game. He played music before he met Etta, making his adventures with tunes.
  • Even though he’s much older, Artis doesn’t use social media like Instagram or Facebook. He prefers to share his stories in person, making each one special.
  • Artis has a big heart for gardening. Imagine him planting and watching flowers grow like magic in a fairy tale. 
  • He enjoys cooking recipes that have been in his family for a long time. Think of him making a secret potion, but it’s a delicious meal everyone loves. 
  • Artis finds joy in simple things like watching clouds, listening to stories, and remembering happy times with Etta.


Did Artis Mills play an instrument?

Like a musical superhero, Artis loved playing music even before becoming famous. Imagine him creating tunes that made people happy.

How did Artis meet Etta James?

Think of it as a magical story where two people who love music find each other. It’s like seeing your best friend at the playground.

Was Artis Mills famous for anything besides being married to Etta?

Before the spotlight, Artis was like any of us, enjoying music and life’s simple joys. His fame came from his love story with Etta and his love for music.

Does Artis like to use the internet?

Artis prefers sharing his stories and music old-fashioned, not on computers or phones. It’s like choosing to play outside instead of watching TV.

What does Artis like to do for fun?

Artis loves listening to music, gardening, and spending time outside. Imagine having hobbies that make every day a little adventure.


 Artis Mills a man with a heart whole of music and love. From playing tunes before he was famous to sharing over 38 birthdays with his queen of music, Etta James, Artis has lived a story like those in fairy tales. He shows us that happiness can be found in simple things, like listening to music, enjoying the outdoors, or cooking a family recipe.

Artis’s life reminds us to cherish the melodies and memories we create with our loved ones. As we close this magical book of Artis’s adventures, remember, like your favourite bedtime story, the lessons and joy it brings stay with you, ready to be opened again anytime you wish.

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