Andrew Shingange Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Andrew Shingange is a successful businessman, husband, and father. He was born on October 10, 1985, making him 39 years old in 2024. Andrew’s career has flourished over the years, and he has become a well-known figure in the business world. Despite his busy schedule, Andrew always makes time for his family. He is Weight 76 kg and Height 5 fit 8 inches.

He is a dedicated husband to his wife and a loving father to his two children. His hard work and determination have also led to a significant net worth(approx.)$100 million , making him a respected member of society.


Famous siblings
city ​​of birth
native country
South Africa
 Date of Birth
October 10, 1985
 Age (as of 2024)
 39 Years Old
Gender identity

Who is Andrew Shingange?

Andrew Shingange is Trevor Noah’s brother. He grew up in South Africa, just like his brother Trevor. Andrew’s life has been quite different from Trevor’s because he chose to work in business. This means he talks to lots of people and helps companies grow.

He’s kind of like a superhero for businesses! Andrew loves his family very much. He has a wife and two kids with whom he spends much time. Even though he works hard in business, playing and having fun with his family is super important to him. Like any brother, Andrew and Trevor have shared many moments, growing up in a place with many stories to tell.

Andrew Shingange Early Life and Education

Andrew Shingange grew up in a big, sunny country called South Africa. As a little boy, he went to a school near his home, just like you. He loved learning new things, playing games during break time, and reading many books.

School for Andrew wasn’t just about math and spelling, making great friends, and having fun. As he got older, he learned more about business – all about helping companies do their best. Even though school can sometimes be hard, Like Andrew, you can learn something new daily and maybe even help the world someday!

Andrew Shingange Parents and Siblings

Andrew Shingange has a very interesting family. His mom is named Patricia, a brave and strong lady. She comes from South Africa and has taught Andrew lots of good things. His dad is different from his mom, and they have had to live apart, but that’s okay because families can look other ways. Andrew has a brother, Trevor Noah, tells jokes and makes people laugh worldwide.

They also have another brother, making them a group of three. Growing up, Andrew, Trevor, and their brother shared many adventures and learned a lot from each other. They played games, told stories, and helped each other. Andrew’s family might not be like everyone else’s, but they love each other a lot, which matters.

Andrew Shingange Wife And Girlfriend

Andrew Shingange is happily married, meaning he has a special friend with whom he chose to spend the rest of his life. They had a beautiful wedding where they promised to always be there for each other. Together, they have built a family and have two wonderful kids. Andrew’s wife is not only his partner but also his best friend.

They love to share stories, make each other laugh, and take care of their family together. Like in fairy tales, they work together to make their home happy. He doesn’t have a girlfriend because his heart belongs to his wife, and they are dedicated to making their life together full of love and happiness.


Andrew Shingange Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Andrew Shingange is 39 years old in 2024. When it comes to how tall people are, Andrew is taller than a lot of grown-ups. If you imagine three and a bit yardsticks stacked on top of each other, that’s almost how tall he is! That means he might have to duck when he walks into a room so he doesn’t bonk his head. He is Weight 76 kg and Height 5 fit 8 inches.

He has a smile that lights up the room, and he always looks like he’s ready for an adventure. His hair is short, making him look neat, just like when you get a haircut for picture day at school. Andrew’s appearance is just like what you’d expect from someone always ready to take on the world with a big smile.

Andrew Shingange Before Fame

 Andrew Shingange became a big name in the business world, he was just a regular kid growing up in South Africa. He lived in a place filled with sunshine, laughter, and many stories. Andrew was a curious boy who loved to explore the world around him. He enjoyed playing outside with his friends, running fast like a superhero, and imagining grand adventures.

He didn’t start as a successful businessman right away. It took time, learning, and lots of hard work. Andrew believed in his dreams, stayed true to himself, and always remembered to smile, even on tough days. This part of his life was just the beginning of a wonderful journey.


Andrew Shingange Career

Andrew Shingange is like a superhero in the business world. Imagine being someone who helps companies grow big and strong, just like a gardener helps a plant grow by giving it water and sunlight. That’s what Andrew does, but with businesses! He talks to many people, figures out what they need, and finds the best way to help them succeed. It’s like putting together a giant puzzle where every piece is important.

His job is to ensure all the pieces fit perfectly, making the picture complete. Andrew’s career is all about making things better and helping businesses shine. He works hard, uses his brain a lot, and always tries his best. That’s what makes him so good at his job.

Andrew Shingange Net Worth and Achievements

Andrew Shingange has done many awesome things in his job, like collecting stars in a video game. He has helped many companies grow big and strong, which is a very important job. He is net worth(approx.)$100 million

He has earned a lot of money because he is so good at what he does, making his piggy bank very happy. That’s what happened to Andrew because of all his hard work. He doesn’t just keep it all for himself; he shares and helps others, making him rich in money and kindness.

Andrew Shingange Future Plains

Andrew Shingange has big dreams for the future! For example, when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up, Andrew thinks about how he can do even more amazing things. He wants to help more businesses become super strong and make even more families happy with his work. Andrew also dreams about taking his family on adventures worldwide, visiting places with big mountains, deep oceans, and skies filled with stars.

He believes that learning new things and meeting new people will help him be even better at his job. And just like a superhero planning their next big save, Andrew always thinks of new ways to improve the world. He knows that anything is possible with hard work, a kind heart, and a smile.

Social Media Presence

Andrew Shingange might not be as famous as his brother Trevor Noah, but he uses social media, like how you might play your favorite video games or watch cartoons online. That’s what Andrew does! He likes to post about the good times with his family and the exciting parts of his work.

It’s like a digital scrapbook where he can keep all his memories safe and share them with people who like to see what he’s up to. Even though Andrew’s not always posting, it’s like opening a little window into his world when he does.


Playing soccer: Just like you enjoy playing tag or hide-and-seek, Andrew loves to play soccer. It’s fun, and he runs in the fresh air.

Cooking: Andrew enjoys making yummy meals for his family. Imagine baking cookies or helping make dinner; that’s what Andrew likes to do, too.

Reading: He loves to curl up with a good book, diving into adventure and mystery stories. It’s like going on an adventure without leaving home.

Traveling: Andrew likes to explore new places with his family. It’s like going on a treasure hunt in different parts of the world.

Drawing: Sometimes, Andrew draws pictures, creating his own stories on paper. It’s a fun way to share what’s in his imagination. 

Favorite Things

Chocolate Ice Cream: Like many of us, Andrew loves chocolate ice cream’s sweet, cool taste on a hot day.

Superhero Movies: He enjoys watching movies about superheroes who save the day. It’s fun to see them go on big adventures.

The Color Blue: Andrew thinks blue is the best color. It reminds him of the sky on a clear, sunny day. 

Soccer Games: Watching soccer games is exciting for Andrew. He cheers for his favorite teams and enjoys the thrill of the game.

Family Picnics: Spending time with his family at a park, eating sandwiches and playing games is something Andrew loves a lot. 

Interesting Facts About

  •  Andrew Shingange has a big smile that can light up any room. He believes smiling makes every day better.
  • Even though he’s a busy businessman, he always finds time to play soccer. It’s one of his favorite ways to have fun.
  • Andrew loves going on adventures with his family. They sometimes pretend they’re explorers discovering new lands.
  • He’s good at cooking. Super yummy spaghetti that his kids love. 
  • Andrew likes drawing. He creates pictures of superheroes and fantastic worlds.
  • He has a favorite superhero movie. Can you guess which one.
  • Andrew enjoys listening to music while working. It helps him think of new ideas.
  • He’s not just Trevor Noah’s brother; he’s also a hero to his family and friends for being kind and helpful.


Do you wonder how someone like Andrew becomes a superhero in business?

It starts with learning a lot, being kind, and working hard. If Andrew had a superpower, what would it be? Maybe the power to make businesses grow with just a smile.

Can Andrew cook?

Yes! His spaghetti is famous in his house. Does Andrew have a favorite game? Soccer is his top pick. He loves playing it whenever he can.

Is Andrew tall?

He’s taller than many, so he sometimes has to duck under doorways! Why does Andrew like the color blue? Because it reminds him of the sky on a sunny day.


Andrew Shingange we’ve discovered so many wonderful things about him! From being a brother to the funny Trevor Noah to being a superhero in the business world and a fantastic dad, Andrew shows us that dreams can come true with hard work and a big smile. He loves playing soccer, making delicious spaghetti, and going on adventures with his family.

Andrew’s life is full of fun, love, and smiles. Remember, kids, just like Andrew, you can achieve great things by believing in yourself, being kind, and never giving up on your dreams. So, keep dreaming big and smiling wide like Andrew does every day.

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