Avielle Janelle Hernandez Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Avielle Janelle Hernandez

Avielle Janelle Hernandez is a young girl who has captured the hearts of many with her adorable smile and bubbly personality. At only 11 years old, she has already made a name for herself as the daughter of a famous sports player. Avielle was born on September 6, 2012, and is the pride and joy of her parents. Standing 4 feet 8 inches tall and weighing 35kg, she is growing to be a beautiful and healthy girl. While her parents have an estimated net worth of $8 million, Avielle is making a name for herself with her charm and charisma. Keep reading to learn more about this young star in the making, Avielle Janelle Hernandez.

Who is Avielle Janelle Hernandez?

Avielle Janelle Hernandez is a young girl who has lots of people talking about her because she’s the daughter of a famous sports player. But she’s not just special because of her parents; she’s also super fun and loves doing many things. Avielle was born on a beautiful September day, making her birthday parties extra fun since they can be outside! She’s at an age where everything is an adventure, from playing with her friends to diving into her imagination with books and drawings.

Avielle has a big, bright smile that makes everyone around her happy, and she’s known for being kind, like when she shares her toys or helps her friends. Even though she’s young, she’s already making her mark in the world, showing everyone that it’s cool to be kind, creative, and to have a big heart.


  • Full name: Avielle Janelle Hernandez
  • Date of birth: November 6th, 2012
  • Age: 11 years old as of 2024
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Place of birth: Bristol, Connecticut, in the United States
  • Nationality: American

The Early Life of Avielle Janelle Hernandez

Avielle Janelle Hernandez was born into a world where many people knew her dad because he was good at playing sports. From when she was very little, Avielle loved to play and explore everything around her. She grew up surrounded by love and laughter, which made her the joyful and kind-hearted girl she is today. Even as a tiny kid, Avielle liked to listen to stories, play with her colorful toys, and make new friends.

She has always been curious, asking lots of questions and trying to learn new things every day. Avielle’s early years were filled with fun days, from sunny afternoons in the park to cozy evenings reading books. She’s always had a big imagination, creating her little adventures at home. Growing up, Avielle found joy in simple things, like drawing on a blank paper or running around in the backyard. These happy moments from her early life are like treasures, making her the special girl everyone loves to be around.

Parents and Siblings

Avielle Janelle Hernandez’s dad was a famous sports player who played football. He was good at it, and lots of people knew who he was. Avielle’s mom takes great care of her and loves her very much.

Avielle has a big family that loves her a lot, and she loves spending time with them. She also has siblings and has brothers or sisters to play with. They have lots of fun playing games, sharing stories, and making each other laugh. Being part of her family makes Avielle happy.

Favourite Foods

Avielle loves eating yummy foods, just like any other kid! Her favorite foods include cheesy pizza with lots of toppings and sweet, creamy ice cream on a hot day. She also enjoys munching on crunchy apples as a snack.

Sometimes, she has pancakes covered in syrup with a side of juicy strawberries for breakfast. Avielle’s meals are always fun and full of flavors. She’s always excited to try new foods but always goes back to her favorites, especially when picking what’s for dinner!

Favorite games

Avielle loves to play a lot of fun games, both indoors and outdoors. One of her favorites is “Tag,” where she runs around to catch her friends giggling. She also enjoys playing “Hide and Seek,” finding the best hiding spots while her friends search for her.

Avielle has a blast playing board games inside, with “Candy Land” being her top pick because of its colorful path and sweet theme. These games are fun and help Avielle and her friends laugh together and make happy memories.


Avielle loves spending time with her friends. They play games like tag, hide and seek, laughing and running together. She enjoys inviting her friends over for playdates where they can dive into her box of colorful toys and board games.

Avielle is kind and always ready to share, whether it’s her favorite snacks or her new crayons. Her friends love coming over because they know they’re in for a fun time filled with games, stories, and imagination. Together, they create wonderful memories that make their friendship stronger every day.

Avielle Janelle Hernandez Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Avielle Janelle Hernandez is a 11-year-old girl who is growing up fast! She is about as tall as four stacked school backpacks, standing at 4 feet 8 inches. When she steps on the scale, it shows she weighs 35kg, like a big, fluffy dog. Avielle has a bright and cheerful look that matches her fun personality.

Avielle Janelle Hernandez

She often wears her hair in styles that bounce and dance as she plays. Her eyes sparkle with curiosity and joy, making her friends and family smile. Looking at her, you can tell Avielle is a bundle of energy, ready to explore the world and make everyone around her happy. She likes to wear colorful clothes that show her love for pink and her creative spirit.

Avielle Janelle Hernandez Before Fame

Before Avielle became known for her joyful personality and fun adventures, she was just a little girl growing up in a world filled with love. Avielle was surrounded by people who cared for her from the very start. Her days were filled with playtime, learning new things, and exploring the world around her.

Every moment was an opportunity for Avielle to discover something exciting and to spread her infectious laughter. Even before she became famous as the daughter of a well-known sports player, Avielle’s bright spirit was making a mark on those closest to her.

Avielle Janelle Hernandez Career

Avielle Janelle Hernandez is only seven and’s still too young to have a job like grown-ups. Her “career” is being a fantastic student, learning new things every day at school, and having fun. She spends her days playing, creating art, and exploring the world around her.

As she grows, she might decide to become anything she dreams of, but for now, she’s enjoying being a kid and making the most of every playful adventure. Every day is an opportunity for her to learn and grow.

Avielle Janelle Hernandez Net Worth and Achievement

Avielle Janelle Hernandez is still very young, so she doesn’t have a job or money like grown-ups. However, her parents have saved a lot of money from playing sports and other things, and they have about $8 million.

Avielle Janelle Hernandez

Avielle’s biggest achievement is being a wonderful daughter, friend, and student. She’s learning and growing every day, which is very important. She loves to play, explore, and make her family and friends smile. For now, that’s a pretty awesome way to be successful and happy!

Avielle Janelle Hernandez Legacy and Impact

Avielle Janelle Hernandez is still very young, but she’s already showing everyone how important it is to be kind and share with others. Her bright smile and big heart are inspiring to friends and family.

Avielle makes the world a happier place by sharing her toys and snacks and telling fun stories. She helps us see that being nice and using imagination can make a big difference. Even though she’s a kid, Avielle creates a legacy of kindness and creativity that touches everyone around her.

Looking Towards the Future: What Lies Ahead for Avielle?

As Avielle grows, her future shines bright with possibilities. She might discover new hobbies, make even more friends, and learn exciting things at school. Maybe one day, she’ll travel to places she’s read about in her books or become someone who helps animals since she loves them so much.

Whatever path she chooses, Avielle’s kindness, creativity, and love for sharing will surely guide her to wonderful adventures. The important thing is that she will always have fun and keep smiling, spreading joy wherever she goes.


Playing Outside: Avielle Janelle Hernandez loves to spend time in the sun, running around and playing games with her friends. She enjoys everything from tag to hide and seek.

Drawing and Coloring: With a big imagination, Avielle likes to draw and color pictures. She creates colorful artwork of her favorite animals and scenes from nature.

Reading Books: She enjoys storytime and reading books, especially those with pictures and exciting stories about adventures and magical worlds.

Playing with Dolls: Avielle has a collection of dolls she loves to play with, dressing them up and creating stories for them.

Watching Cartoons: Like many kids her age, Avielle enjoys watching her favorite cartoons and animated movies, often imagining herself going on adventures with the characters. 

Swimming: Avielle enjoys cooling off on hot days. She loves splashing around and playing in the water.

Interesting Facts About Avielle Janelle Hernandez 

Special Day: Avielle Janelle Hernandez was born on a sunny day in September. This makes her birthday parties extra fun because she can celebrate outside.

Animal Lover: She loves animals a lot. Avielle dreams of someday having a big pet zoo with all her favorite animals.

A Star Name: Her name, Avielle, is unique. It sounds like a name from a fairy tale.

Loves to Share: Avielle Janelle Hernandez is very kind. She loves sharing her toys and snacks with her friends during playtime.

Favorite Color: She has a favorite color – pink! You can tell because she picks pink whenever she’s drawing or coloring.

Super Smiley: Avielle Janelle Hernandez has a smile that can light up the whole room. She loves making people happy.

Storyteller: Although she’s young, Avielle is great at making up stories. She tells them to her dolls and anyone who’ll listen.


Sure! Avielle Janelle Hernandez a kid-friendly FAQ section:

What’s Avielle’s favorite color?

Pink! Avielle Janelle Hernandez loves everything pink, from her drawings to her clothes.

Does Avielle have any pets?

While she dreams of having a big pet zoo one day, it doesn’t say she has any pets. But she loves animals!

What are some things Avielle likes to do?

Avielle Janelle Hernandez enjoys playing outside with her friends, drawing and coloring, reading books full of adventures, playing with her dolls, watching cartoons, and swimming on hot days.

When is Avielle’s birthday?

Avielle Janelle Hernandez birthday is on September 6th. She loves having outdoor birthday parties.

Is Avielle a good storyteller?

Yes! Avielle Janelle Hernandez loves making up stories and telling them to her dolls and anyone who wants to listen. She’s got a big imagination!

What makes Avielle smile?

Lots of things! But she especially loves making other people happy with her big, bright smile. Avielle thinks sharing is important, so she always shares her toys and snacks with her friends. Isn’t that nice?


In wrapping up, we’ve learned lots of cool things about Avielle Janelle Hernandez! She’s not just known because of her parents but also has her favorite things to do, like playing outside and drawing. She loves animals and enjoys swimming, and her birthday parties are super fun because they’re outside in the sunny month of September.

Avielle is a kind friend who shares with others and has a big imagination, especially when telling stories to her dolls. Remember, she thinks pink is the best color and has a smile that makes everyone around her happy. Avielle shows us that sharing, being kind, and using our imagination can make every day an adventure. Thanks for learning about Avielle with us!

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