Cardi B Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Cardi B

Cardi B is a popular American rapper, known for her empowering lyrics and unapologetic personality. Born on October 11, 1992 in the Bronx, New York, she is currently 31 years old as of 2024. At a height of 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing 58kg, Cardi B has taken the music world by storm with her hit single “Bodak Yellow” in 2017. In 2019, she made history as the first solo female rapper to win a Grammy Award for best rap album.

With a net worth of $4 million, her success has not only made her a household name, but also an inspiration for young women everywhere. Stay tuned to learn more about Cardi B’s family, bio, and other interesting facts about this talented artist.

Who is Cardi B?

Cardi B is a famous rapper who sings and raps. She was born in a place called the Bronx in New York. People love her music because she tells stories through her songs. She’s also known for being very honest and for saying what she thinks.

Cardi B has a lot of fans because she works hard and cares about her music. She even won a special music prize all by herself, which is pretty cool! People listen to her songs everywhere, and she makes many people happy with her music.


Name: Cardi B

Born: October 11, 1992

Age: 31 years old as of 2024

Birthplace: in Bronx, NY

Real Name

Cardi B’s real name is something many fans are curious about. Her name when she was born wasn’t Cardi B. It was Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar. That’s a long name, right? She got her nickname “Cardi B” from a shorter version of “Bacardi,” which is a name her family liked to call her.

Cardi B

It’s fun to have nicknames, just like how sometimes friends or family might call you by a special name that’s not your birth name. So, when you hear “Cardi B,” just remember it all started with her unique real name, Belcalis.

Early Life and Education

When Cardi B was a little girl, she grew up in a place called the Bronx in New York. It’s a big city with lots of people. As a kid, she went to school just like you. She liked to learn and play with her friends.

School was important to her because it helped her become smart and think of the cool songs she makes now. She worked hard and always tried her best, showing that learning new things can help you reach your dreams, just like it did for her.

Parents and Siblings

Cardi B has a mom and a dad who come from two different places. Her mom is from Trinidad and her dad is from the Dominican Republic. This mix makes Cardi special. She also has a sister named Hennessy, just like the drink!

They grew up together in New York. Cardi B and Hennessy are very close, and they like to spend time together. Having a sister means Cardi always had a friend to play and share stories with.

Husband and Boyfriend

Cardi B fell in love with a rapper named Offset. They decided to get married because they really liked each other. Offset is also famous for making music, just like Cardi. They had a big, beautiful wedding and started a family together.

They like to share pictures and videos of their fun times, making lots of people smile. Being married means they are best friends and partners, always there to support and take care of each other.


Cardi B is not just a music star; she’s also a mom! She has children who she loves very much. Being a mom means Cardi gets to play, laugh, and spend lots of special time with her kids. Her children make her smile and are a big part of her life.

Just like your parents might cheer you on, Cardi cheers for her kids and wants the best for them. She shares fun moments and adventures with her family, making every day with them a special memory.

Cardi B Age, Height, Weight and Physical Appearance

Cardi B is a grown-up who is 31 years old. She’s as tall as a big refrigerator, standing at 5 feet 6 inches! If you use a scale, she weighs 58kg, which is like if you add the weight of a big dog and a small dog together.

Cardi B looks unique because she has her own style. She loves to wear bright and fun outfits that stand out. Also, she has long, colorful nails and likes to change her hairstyle a lot, making her look different and cool every time you see her!

The Rise of Cardi B

Cardi B started off in a place called the Bronx, where she had big dreams of making music. She worked really hard, just like when you practice something a lot to get better at it. One day, she made a song named “Bodak Yellow,” and so many people loved it!

This song was like magic, making her famous almost overnight. She didn’t stop there, though. She kept making more songs, showing everyone how talented she is. Cardi music and her way of being herself helped her become a star. She showed everyone that with hard work, you can reach your dreams.

Cardi B Career

Cardi B started singing and rapping to share her stories and feelings with the world. She worked very hard, like when you practice something a lot to get really good at it. People everywhere started to listen to her music and dance to her songs.

Cardi made lots of songs, and many people liked them. She even won a special award for her music, which is like getting a gold star for doing something amazing! Every day, she keeps making music and showing everyone how much she loves it.

Cardi B Net Worth and Business Ventures

Cardi B has a lot of money because she’s a very famous rapper. She makes songs that many people like to listen to, and this helps her earn money. Her net worth is $4 million. This means she has $4 million from making music, doing shows, and working with different companies.

Besides singing, she also has businesses. That’s like when you have a lemonade stand and sell lemonade to people who pass by, but for her, it’s on a much bigger scale. She works with fashion brands and makes her own clothes line, which helps her earn more money and share her cool style with everyone.

Cardi B Nationality And Religion

Cardi B comes from a special mix of places. Her mom is from Trinidad and her dad is from the Dominican Republic. This mix makes her both Trinidadian and Dominican! It’s like having a bit of two worlds. Cardi B was born in New York, in the United States, which makes her American too.

About what she believes in, like many people, Cardi B has her own beliefs that are personal to her. Everyone has different beliefs and it’s important to respect them. Just like friends at school might come from different places and believe in different things, it’s what makes everyone unique!

Cardi B Legacy and Impact

Cardi B is more than just a music star. She shows everyone, especially girls, that they can dream big and make those dreams come true. Her songs help people feel strong and happy. She also teaches us to be proud of who we are, no matter where we come from.

She has opened doors for other women in music, showing that they can be leaders too. By being herself and working hard, Cardi has made a big mark on the world, helping change how people think about music and each other.

The Future of Cardi B

Cardi B has big plans for the future! She wants to keep making music that people love to dance and sing to. She’s also thinking about trying new things, maybe even acting in movies or creating her own TV show. She loves to surprise her fans, so she might have some secret projects that she will share soon.

She will continue to be a super mom to her kids, showing them how to dream big. Plus, she’ll keep wearing fun outfits and sharing her adventures with us. There’s so much more to come from Cardi, and we can’t wait to see what’s next!


Loves to Dance: She enjoys moving to the music. She often shares videos of herself dancing, showing her fun side.

Making Music: Even when not working, Cardi loves to create new songs. It’s not just her job; it’s a hobby she really loves!

Fashion: She likes dressing up and trying on new outfits. She often wears colorful and stylish clothes.

Spending Time with Family: Cardi loves hanging out with her husband and kids. They have fun together doing simple things like watching movies or playing in the park.

Social Media: She enjoys posting on Instagram and Twitter, sharing bits of her life with her fans.

Reading Comments: She likes to see what her fans say about her online. She sometimes even replies to them!

Traveling: She loves visiting new places, exploring different cultures, and trying out new foods.

Interesting Facts About Cardi B 

First Big Song: She song “Bodak Yellow” made her super famous. It’s a fun song lots of people like to sing and dance to.

Award Winner: She won a big music award all by herself, the first woman to do it for rapping!

Her Real Name: She real name isn’t Cardi B. It’s Belcalis Almanzar. She got “Cardi B” from a nickname.

Loves to Learn: Even though she’s a star, She likes to learn new things just like you.

Favorite Color: She loves the color red. You might see her wearing red clothes or shoes because it’s her favorite.

Big Heart: She  helps people by giving money to schools and people who need help. She likes to make sure others are happy.

Super Mom: She has kids and loves being a mom. She spends a lot of time playing and having fun with her children.

Voice Acting: She has even been a voice for characters in cartoons. That means she does the voice for someone you might see in your favorite shows!


What does Cardi B do for fun?

Cardi B loves to dance, make music, and try on cool clothes. She also enjoys hanging out with her family, posting fun stuff on Instagram and Twitter, and traveling to new places. She’s always up for learning new things and likes reading what fans say about her online.

How did Cardi B get her name?

Her real name is Belcalis Almanzar, but her nickname came from “Bacardi,” like the rum. People started calling her Cardi B, and it stuck!

What’s Cardi B’s favorite color?

Her favorite color is red. You might see her wearing red a lot because she thinks it’s really pretty.

Does Cardi B have any kids?

Yes, She is a mom. She loves spending time with her kids, playing with them, and having lots of fun together. Being a mom is very special to her.

Has Cardi B done any voice acting?

Yes, she has! She has lent her voice to characters in cartoons, which means she gets to be part of some of your favorite shows without even seeing her.


She’s a very talented rapper who loves music, dancing, and fashion. Cardi B has a big heart and loves helping others, especially her family. She enjoys being a mom and spending time with her kids. We also found out that her real name is Belcalis Almanzar, but she’s famous as B.

She’s done some amazing things, like winning a big award for her music and even doing voices for cartoon characters! She shows us that with hard work and love for what you do, you can achieve your dreams. She’s an inspiration to many people, showing that it’s important to be yourself and have fun in life. Thanks for learning about Cardi B with us!

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