Dia Kimeko Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Dia Kimeko

Dia Kimeko is a famous TikTok star, Instagram star, and social media personality from Canada. She was born in the year 2000, which makes her 24 years old as of 2024. Despite her young age, Dia has already made a name for herself in social media. She started posting on Instagram in 2018 and quickly gained a large following.

However, her TikTok account genuinely launched her into internet fame. With over 430,000 followers and 5 million likes, Dia’s Diakimeko account is a hit among her fans. Standing 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing 58kg, Dia is beautiful and has a strong presence on social media. She comes from a close-knit family and has a sister named Hannah Kim. Dia’s hard work and dedication have paid off, as she is estimated to have a net worth of $5 million. With her talent and charm, Dia Kimeko is one to watch out for on social media.

Who is Dia Kimeko?

Dia Kimeko is a famous person on the internet who lives in Canada. She loves sharing videos on TikTok and pictures on Instagram, which many people watch and like. Dia started sharing her fun moments online in 2018 and now has many friends online. She has a sister named Hannah Kim, and they have a lot of fun together.

Dia is also very good at making people smile with her videos. She enjoys many hobbies and has many followers who enjoy watching her share about her life. Dia is someone many people like and follow for fun.


  • Name: Dia Kimeko
  • Age: 24 years old as of 2024
  • Born: 2000
  • Birthplace: Hamilton, Canada

Real name

Dia Kimeko might sound like a name from a fairy tale, but it’s her real name! Just like you have a name given to you when you were born, Dia was named “Dia Kimeko” by her family. It’s a unique name that fits her just right.

Dia Kimeko

Names are important; they are a big part of who we are. Dia’s name is just as unique and special as she is. Whenever someone calls her by her name, it adds a little sparkle to her day. Isn’t it cool how much a name can mean?

Parents and Siblings

Dia Kimeko has a loving family that cheers her on every day. Her parents are like superheroes to her, always ready to help and make her laugh. She also has a sister named Hannah Kim. Imagine having a sister as your best friend with whom you can share clothes, secrets, and lots of giggles.

Dia’s family is extraordinary to you, just like yours. They enjoy spending time together, whether playing games, watching movies, or just chatting about their day. Having a caring family is like having a team that supports you no matter what!

Dia Kimeko Boyfriend

Dia Kimeko likes to keep some things private like we have secrets in our treasure boxes. So, when it comes to talking about a boyfriend, she hasn’t shared much. It’s like when we keep a particular drawing or toy to ourselves because it’s unique.

Just like we enjoy playing with friends and having fun, Dia loves making videos and being with her family. She focuses on sharing happiness and creativity with everyone, making every day brighter. Just like in a hide-and-seek game, some things are fun to keep as a little mystery.

Dia Kimeko Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Dia Kimeko is 24 years old and has had 24 birthdays already! She’s as tall as about eight and a half prominent rulers, 5 feet 6 inches. Dia weighs as much as 58 small bags of sugar but in kilograms.

She looks pretty, with a smile that lights up any room. Dia loves to dress up and share her style with her friends online, making everyone smile with her beautiful outfits and fun videos. She’s just like a princess from a storybook but in real life!

The Rise of Dia Kimeko: A Journey to Stardom

Dia Kimeko started sharing her fun moments online in 2018. She loved showing her dances, jokes, and happy times. People from all around the world began watching her videos. They liked and shared her TikToks and Instagram posts.

As more people watched, Dia became a star on the internet. She worked hard and kept sharing her joy and creativity. With each video, more people became her fans. Dia showed everyone how being yourself and sharing what you love can make you shine like a star. She became famous for being Dia, and everyone loved her.

Dia Kimeko Career

Dia Kimeko loves to share fun videos and pretty pictures with people all over the world. This has become her job, which is excellent! She dances, laughs, and shows off her style on TikTok and Instagram, where many people watch her.

Dia has become a star on the internet by doing what she loves. Think of it like turning playtime into your job, where you create something new and share it with friends daily. She shows us that following your dreams can lead to doing something unique that makes you and others happy.

Dia Kimeko on TikTok: A Platform of Success

Dia Kimeko loves TikTok! It’s a place where she shares short videos of herself dancing, making jokes, and just being silly. Many people watch these videos and hit the like button because they think Dia is entertaining. She started putting her videos on TikTok, and many people soon followed her.

Dia Kimeko

They can’t wait to see her new videos! TikTok is like Dia’s stage, where she shows her talent and makes everyone happy. It’s a big part of how she became known all over the internet. She’s like a shining star on TikTok!

Breaking Down Dia Kimeko’s Net Worth

Dia Kimeko has worked hard making videos and sharing them on the internet. By doing what she loves, she has earned a lot of money. Think of it like a giant piggy bank with $5 million! That’s like if you saved every allowance you ever got for doing chores, and it grew super big!

Dia gets this money from her fun videos and pictures because so many people enjoy watching them. She shows us that following our dreams can sometimes help us save up a giant piggy bank, too!

Dia Kimeko Nationality And Religion

Dia Kimeko comes from the beautiful country of Canada, making her Canadian. She lives in Canada with her family and friends, and we all live in a town or city. Canada is known for its friendly people and beautiful landscapes, from towering mountains to sparkling lakes. It’s where many different cultures and traditions come together, just like a big, happy family. Regarding religion, Dia Kimeko likes to keep that part of her life private, which is okay!

Everyone has things they keep to themselves, like a secret garden or a treasure chest only they know about. It’s important to remember that every person has their own beliefs and values, which make them unique and special. Just like we respect our friends’ favorite games or toys, we also respect their beliefs and traditions. In the world of Dia and her adventures, kindness and respect for everyone’s stories genuinely matter.

Dia Kimeko Legacy and Impact

Dia Kimeko shows us how sharing joy and creativity can touch many lives. By posting videos where she dances, makes jokes, and shares her life, she teaches us to be ourselves and spread happiness. People from everywhere watch Dia and learn to enjoy little moments and be kind to others.

Her story encourages us to follow our dreams, just like she did. Dia’s impact is like planting a garden of smiles and dreams that grow in people’s hearts, showing the magic of sharing and caring in the big world of social media

Dia Kimeko has already done many amazing things, like sharing fun videos and making people happy on TikTok and Instagram. But she’s not stopping there! Dia dreams of exploring even more ways to spread joy and creativity. She could start a new project, like a fun show for kids, or find new hobbies to share with her friends online.

Dia always finds new adventures to take us on. We can’t wait to see what fun surprises she has in store for the future. Stay tuned because Dia’s journey is just starting and will be exciting!


Playing with Pets: Dia loves spending time with her furry friends. She believes pets make life happier!

Dancing: She enjoys moving to the rhythm of music. It’s like playing a fun game where her feet do the talking.

Making Videos: Dia loves creating all sorts of videos, not just for TikTok. It’s like telling stories without needing a book.

Drawing: Dia likes to bring her imagination to life with colors and pencils on paper. It’s like magic with crayons!

Traveling: Exploring new places is exciting for Dia. It’s like going on a treasure hunt in the big wide world.

Reading: Dia enjoys reading stories, especially before bedtime. It’s like going on adventures while staying cozy in bed.

Cooking: She likes trying to make new yummy things. It’s like being a scientist, but the experiments are delicious!

Interesting Facts About Dia Kimeko 

She Loves Animals: Dia has a big heart for animals. She thinks they’re super cool friends!

Favorite Color: Dia’s favorite color is pink. She thinks it’s beautiful!

She’s a Bookworm: Dia loves reading books. It’s like going on a secret adventure every time!

Funny Faces: Dia is great at making funny faces. It makes her friends and family laugh a lot!

Ice Cream Fan: She loves ice cream. Her top pick? Chocolate flavor!

Dancing Queen: Not only does Dia like dancing, but she also creates her dance moves. She’s like a dancing star!

Superhero Fan: Dia loves watching superhero movies. She imagines saving the world, too!

Crafty: Dia enjoys making cool crafts. Seeing what she can create with paper and glue is fun.


Do you have questions about Dia Kimeko? You’re in the right spot! Let’s find out some cool things together!

How old is Dia?

Dia is 24 years old. That means she’s been around for 24 birthdays – wow!

Does Dia have any siblings?

Yes, she has a sister named Hannah Kim. Having a sister can be a lot of fun!

How tall is Dia?

She’s 5 feet 6 inches tall. That’s like stacking about eight and a half prominent rulers on each other!

What does Dia like to do for fun?

Dia loves playing with pets, dancing, making videos, drawing, traveling, reading, and cooking. She’s always doing something exciting!

What’s Dia’s favorite color?

Pink! It’s a beautiful color, just like flowers and cotton candy.

Does Dia like animals?

Yes, she loves them a lot! Animals are her super cool friends.

Remember, Dia is like you; she enjoys doing fun things, spending time with family, and following her dreams. Isn’t that awesome?


Ultimately, Dia Kimeko is a cool person with many talents and a big heart. She shares her fun adventures and creative ideas on TikTok and Instagram, making many people smile and laugh. Dia shows us it’s fantastic to try new things, like dancing, drawing, or even making yummy food.

She reminds us that loving animals and having fun with family and friends is essential. Like Dia, everyone can find something they love doing and share their happiness with the world. Let’s get inspired by Dia and make every day an adventure filled with fun, creativity, and kindness!

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