Roisin Waters Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Roisin Waters, the 28-year-old Irish celebrity child, has become a household name in recent years. Born on 6 March 1996 in Dublin, Ireland, Roisin has quickly made a name for herself in the entertainment industry. Standing at 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing 128 pounds, Roisin is known for her striking features, including her dark brown hair and eyes.

Her parents are none other than the late Sinead O’Connor, a renowned singer and songwriter, and John Waters, a columnist and author. Roisin attended Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School and graduated in 2018, earning a diploma in patisserie. With a net worth estimated at $3 million, Roisin is definitely making a name for herself in her own right.

Who is Roisin Waters?

Roisin Waters is a young woman from Dublin, Ireland. She loves to bake cakes and sweets because she went to a special school called Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School. Roisin is also known because her mom was a famous singer and her dad writes articles for newspapers.

People enjoy hearing about Roisin because she’s done a lot of neat things by herself, even though her mom and dad are also pretty famous. Roisin is living her own exciting story, making delicious treats and showing everyone how talented she is all on her own.


Full name
Roisin Waters
Date of birth
6 March 1996
28 years old (as of 2024)
Place of birth
Dublin, Ireland

Real Name

Roisin Waters has a special name, just like in fairy tales. You know, the kind where people have magical names that sound like music? That’s her! “Roisin Waters” isn’t a secret spell or a hidden treasure map. It’s her real name!

Just like how you might be named after a grandparent or someone special, Roisin got her name from her family. It’s a name that fits her just right, like a cozy blanket or your favorite pair of shoes. So, when you hear “Roisin Waters,” think of it as a lovely melody, unique and beautiful, just for her.

Early Life and Education of Roisin Waters

When Roisin was a little girl, she lived in Dublin, Ireland, with her family. She loved playing with food, mixing dough, and dreaming about delicious cakes. This love for baking led her to a special school called Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School.

Here, Roisin learned how to make all sorts of yummy treats, like cookies and pastries. She worked very hard and, after lots of practice, graduated in 2018. Roisin’s school days were full of fun, flour, and sugar, as she became a great baker.

Parents and Siblings

Roisin Waters has a mommy named Sinead O’Connor, who sang beautiful songs, and a daddy named John Waters, who writes stories for newspapers. They helped make the world know about Roisin. Roisin has brothers and sisters too, but her story is like a big puzzle we’re still putting together.

Just like you might have brothers or sisters you play and share toys with, Roisin shares her family’s love and stories. Every family is like a team, and Roisin’s team is special because of their talents in singing, writing, and now, Roisin’s baking!

Roisin Waters Boyfriend

Roisin Waters likes to keep her life like a secret treasure hunt, especially when it comes to her boyfriend. She hasn’t shared if she has a special someone, like a prince from fairy tales, who brings her flowers and dances with her in the moonlight.

Just like in stories where the princess keeps her heart’s wishes a secret, Roisin keeps her friendships and any possible boyfriend just between her and them. It’s like she has a hidden diary filled with secrets and adventures we all wish we could read!

Roisin Waters Height, Weight, and Physical Attributes

Roisin Waters stands as tall as a grown-up refrigerator, which means she is pretty tall! Imagine you stacking 5 big school rulers on top of each other, and that’s how tall she is. She weighs as much as about 128 big, juicy apples. That might sound like a lot, but for grown-ups, it’s just right.

Roisin has beautiful dark brown hair and eyes, just like chocolate bars. Imagine looking into her eyes and feeling like you’re looking at your favorite candy. That’s how nice they are! She is strong and healthy, perfect for making her yummy treats and playing outside.

Roisin Waters Before Fame

Before Roisin Waters became known for her baking and her famous parents, she was just a regular kid from Dublin, Ireland. She played in her backyard, imagined being a chef while cooking with her toys, and dreamed about making the world’s best cakes. Even though her mom sang beautiful songs and her dad wrote stories,

Roisin had her own special dreams. She didn’t know then that her love for baking would one day make her famous too. Roisin’s story teaches us that every big adventure starts with small steps and big dreams, just like yours and mine.

Roisin Waters Career

Roisin Waters is not just known because her mommy sang songs and her daddy wrote stories. She went to a special school called Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School, where she learned to bake the yummiest cakes and cookies. After finishing school in 2018, Roisin started showing everyone how great she is at making sweets.

She didn’t just stop at learning; she used her skills to bake lots of treats for people. Roisin’s career is all about mixing, baking, and creating delicious things that make everyone happy when they taste them. She’s like a magic chef, turning flour and sugar into smiles!

A Look into Roisin Waters’s Career and Achievements

Roisin Waters went to a special school to learn how to bake the best cakes and cookies. After school, she started baking for many people. She’s like a magic baker, making everyone smile with her yummy treats. Roisin is known for her delicious baking and has even won some awards.

She shows that with hard work and love for what you do, you can make the world sweeter. Roisin keeps baking and sharing her tasty creations, making everyone happy one cake at a time.

The Net Worth of Roisin Waters

Roisin Waters has a very big piggy bank, much bigger than the one you might have in your room! People say her piggy bank is filled with as much as $3 million. That’s like if you saved every allowance for thousands and thousands of days without spending any!

Roisin’s big piggy bank comes from her being really good at baking cakes and cookies. She also learned a lot at a special school that helped her become even better at making yummy treats. With all that money, Roisin can buy lots of baking supplies to make even more delicious things!

Roisin Waters Famous Reason

Roisin Waters is talked about a lot because her mom sang beautiful songs that many people loved, and her dad writes stories for newspapers that lots of adults read. But Roisin is also special because she’s really good at baking yummy treats.

She went to a fancy school to learn how to make delicious cakes and cookies. So, even though her parents are famous for their music and writing, Roisin is becoming famous for making the sweetest desserts. People love her tasty baking, and that’s her own special way of being known!

Roisin Waters Nationality And Religion

Roisin Waters was born in a beautiful place called Dublin, in a country named Ireland. This makes her Irish! Ireland is known for its green fields, castles, and stories of leprechauns. People in Ireland might have different beliefs and go to different places to celebrate their faith.

Roisin’s religion is a part of her life that’s private, like a secret garden. Just like you and your friends might come from different places and have different traditions, Roisin has her own too. It’s what makes her unique and special, like a puzzle piece fitting perfectly in a big, wonderful picture.

Roisin Waters Legacy and Impact

Roisin Waters is like a storybook hero who shows everyone that dreams can come true with hard work and love. She uses her magic baking skills to make people smile and feel happy. Just like in fairy tales where the hero leaves a trail of sparkles wherever they go, Roisin leaves a trail of delicious cakes and cookies.

She shows kids and grown-ups that it’s important to follow what you love doing. By being really good at baking, Roisin helps everyone see that making treats isn’t just fun, it can also be a way to make people happy. Roisin’s story teaches us that doing what you love can create joy and inspire others to chase their dreams too, spreading happiness like frosting on a cake.

Roisin Waters Future Plains

Roisin Waters has big dreams for her future! Just like a captain steering a ship to new lands, Roisin plans to explore the world of baking even more. She wants to make more yummy cakes and sweets that everyone can enjoy. Roisin also dreams of opening her own bakery, a magical place where every treat tells a story and brings smiles.

Imagine a shop filled with the smell of fresh cookies and cakes, each bite like a piece of happiness. Roisin is on an adventure to spread joy through her baking, one delicious treat at a time. Just like in fairy tales, she believes in following her heart and making her dreams come true, crafting a world where every day is sweeter and filled with magic.


  • Roisin loves to bake. She makes yummy cookies and cakes. Her school taught her how!
  • She enjoys painting. Roisin uses lots of colors to make beautiful pictures.
  • Roisin likes to read books, especially stories about magic and adventures.
  • Walking in nature is fun for her. She looks at trees, flowers, and animals.
  • Roisin listens to music. She dances and sings along to her favorite songs.
  • She plays soccer with friends. Running and kicking the ball makes her happy.
  • Roisin also likes to travel. She visits new places and learns about them.

Interesting Facts About Roisin Waters 

  • Roisin was born in a place called Dublin. It’s in a country named Ireland.
  • She is very good at making cakes and sweets because she went to a special school for it.
  • Roisin’s mom was a famous singer, and her dad writes for newspapers.
  • She has dark brown hair and eyes, which means her hair and eyes are a deep, chocolaty color.
  • Roisin is as tall as 5 rulers stacked on top of each other.
  • She has a big piggy bank, her savings are thought to be as much as $3 million. That’s a lot of ice cream!
  • Roisin is a Pisces, which is a sign from the stars. People say Pisces are kind and friendly.


How tall is Roisin Waters?

She’s as tall as 5 big school rulers put end to end. That’s pretty tall,

What does Roisin Waters like to do for fun?

Roisin loves to bake yummy cookies, paint colorful pictures, read magical stories, play soccer, and explore new places. She has lots of hobbies!

Who are Roisin Waters’ mom and dad?

Her mom was a famous singer, and her dad writes for newspapers. They’re both very talented!

How much money does Roisin have in her big piggy bank?

People think she has saved up to $3 million. Imagine all the toys and ice cream you could buy with that!

Where was Roisin Waters born?

She was born in a city called Dublin, which is in Ireland. Ireland is a beautiful country with lots of green fields and history.

Remember, it’s fun to learn about others and share kindness, just like Roisin!


In our journey to learn about Roisin Waters, we’ve discovered lots of fun and interesting things. Roisin is not just famous because her parents are well-known, but she’s also super talented in baking and has a big heart. She shows us that learning new skills, like making cakes and painting, can be a lot of fun. Roisin also teaches us the importance of hobbies and trying new things, whether it’s reading books about magical places, playing soccer, or exploring nature.

She reminds us that being kind and friendly, just like a true Pisces, makes the world a better place. So, let’s take a little inspiration from Roisin’s story and try to be kind, explore our interests, and always stay curious. Remember, every one of us can make our own special mark on the world, just like Roisin Waters!

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