Shirley Gooding Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Shirley Gooding was born in 1996. She was a member of the famous New York girl’s music band, The Sweetheart. Gooding’s passion for music was passed down to her children, who followed in her footsteps and succeeded in the entertainment industry. Shirley Gooding net worth (approx.)$12 million. She is Weight 60 kg and Height 5 fit 7 inches.

With award-winning actors, comedians, and musicians as her offspring, Gooding’s legacy continues to shine and attract interest from fans.


Shirley  Gooding
Place of birth
New York, United States
Date of birth
Age(as of 2024)
 28 Years Old
Net worth (approx)
$12 million

Who is Shirley Gooding?

Shirley Gooding is a special lady who used to sing beautifully. This group comprised girls who loved singing, just like Shirley. They performed in New York, and many people came to see them. Shirley loved music so much that she shared this love with her family.

Her husband and children also became famous for making music, acting in movies, and making people laugh. Shirley’s family is very talented, and they have won many awards. Shirley is not just a singer; she is a mom and grandma who has inspired her family to do amazing things in the entertainment world.

Early Life and Education

Shirley Gooding grew up in a world filled with music. She often put on little shows for her family, using a hairbrush as her microphone. Shirley went to a school where she learned much more than reading and writing. She also learned about music and how to sing in different ways.

Her teachers saw how much she loved music and helped her improve. She sang in school concerts, and everyone loved to hear her voice. It was clear that Shirley was not just any singer; she would be a star. Her love for music grew daily, and she knew she wanted to sing for the rest of her life.

Shirley Gooding Parents and Siblings

Shirley Gooding’s family was entirely of music and love. Her mom and dad loved music just like she did. They often sing songs together at home, making every day feel special. Shirley wasn’t the only child in her family. She had brothers and sisters who also enjoyed music. Together, they would perform little concerts for their friends and family, using homemade instruments and their voices.

Shirley’s siblings were her first audience and biggest fans. They cheered for her and helped her believe in her dream of becoming a singer. Growing up in such a fun and loving family, Shirley learned the importance of sharing and caring through the magic of music.

Shirley Gooding Husband and Boyfriend

Shirley Gooding found someone extraordinary who loved music just as much as she did. This person was not just her partner in singing songs but also in life. They married and shared their love for music and, later, with their children. Shirley and her husband worked together, helping each other grow in music and love.

They became a team, not just at home but in creating beautiful music for everyone to enjoy. This partnership brought more joy and laughter into their family, making their home a place full of love and music. Shirley’s husband was her biggest supporter, cheering her on every step of her journey.

Shirley Gooding Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Height in feet
Hair colour
Eye colour
Dark Brown

Shirley Gooding is a lovely lady with a big smile that lights up the room. When she stands up to sing, she looks tall, like she can touch the stars, but really, she’s just the right height. She keeps herself healthy to dance to the music she loves so much. Shirley Gooding age (as of 2024)28 Years Old. She is Weight 60 kg and Height 5 fit 7 inches.

Shirley has eyes that sparkle when she talks about her favorite songs, and her hair has been in different colors over the years, just like the many notes she can sing. She’s not just special because of how she looks or how old she is, but because her heart is full of music and joy. She shows us that it’s not about how tall you are or what you look like but how brightly your inner song shines.

Shirley Gooding Before Fame

 Shirley Gooding became a famous singer, she was like any other little girl with big dreams. With her eyes full of sparkle, singing into her hairbrush and dreaming of big stages and bright lights. She didn’t start as a star. She was a girl with a love for music, learning every song she could and singing from her heart. Back then.

Shirley would perform for her family and friends, making everyone smile with her beautiful voice. Even before being part of The Sweetheart or singing in front of big crowds, Shirley knew she wanted to fill the world with her songs. Every day, she would practice, showing that with hard work and passion, dreams really can come true.

Shirley Gooding Career

Shirley Gooding’s singing journey is like a fairy tale. She started singing when she was young, just like many of you! With her beautiful voice, she joined a group called The Sweetheart. This wasn’t just any group; it was a unique band in New York where all the girls loved music as much as Shirley did. Together, they sang their hearts out, making many people happy with their songs.

Shirley and her friends in The Sweetheart travelled to different places, sharing their love of music with everyone. People would clap and cheer, loving every note they sang. Shirley’s singing made her a star, showing everyone how powerful and magical music can be when shared with love and joy.

Shirley Gooding Net Worth and Achievements

Shirley Gooding’s story is like a treasure chest filled with shiny gold coins. For example, when you do something unique and get a gold star at school, Shirley receives many gold stars for her singing. She has won awards like big shiny trophies, showing everyone how great she is at making music. People from all over the world have listened to her songs and have fallen in love with her voice.

Shirley Gooding net worth (approx.)$12 million. Because of her beautiful singing, Shirley has made a lot of money, like saving up a lot of allowance for doing something you love. Though we don’t know precisely how many gold coins are in her treasure chest, we do know that her biggest treasure is the love and happiness her music brings to people.

Shirley Gooding Future Plains

Shirley Gooding has shared her magical songs with us for many years, making our hearts dance and our smiles grow.  She dreams of a world where everyone, boys and girls, moms and dads, can sing together in happiness. She hopes to see more music in schools, where kids like you can learn to play instruments and sing your favourite songs.

Shirley believes music can make the world kinder, and she wants to help make that happen. Even though she’s already done so much, Shirley still needs to finish singing. She plans to keep sharing her love for music with everyone, helping us find the songs in our hearts.

Shirley Gooding


Social Media Presence

Shirley Gooding might remind you of your grandparents because she’s from when there were no smartphones or the Internet. She’s keeping up with the times! Even though Shirley sang songs long before we could watch videos on YouTube or scroll through pictures on Instagram, she understands that sharing music and smiles online is a fun way to connect with people today. So, she decided to join the digital world.

Shirley loves posting photos of her singing, her lovely family, and all the exciting places her music takes her. She also shares videos where she talks about her adventures in music and life, making everyone feel like they’re part of her joyful journey.


Painting Pictures: Shirley likes to paint. She uses lots of colors to make beautiful pictures. It’s like how she uses her voice to create beautiful songs.

Gardening: She loves planting and watching flowers grow. It’s like magic when a tiny seed turns into a big, colourful flower.

Reading Books: Shirley enjoys reading stories, especially fairy tales. She says that reading is like going on an adventure without leaving home.

Baking: She bakes yummy cookies and cakes. Shirley thinks baking is like creating a melody with flavours instead of notes. 

Favourite Things

Singing Loudly in the Rain: Like in the movies, Shirley loves to sing when it’s raining. It makes her feel part of a big, magical world.

Chocolate Ice Cream: She thinks chocolate ice cream is the best treat, especially after singing her favourite songs.

Cuddly Cats: Shirley has a soft spot for cats. She loves their soft fur and the gentle purring sounds they make.

Sparkly Dresses: Shirley likes to wear dresses that sparkle and shine under the lights when she performs. It makes her feel like a star.

Listening to the Ocean: Going to the beach and listening to the waves is something Shirley loves. It reminds her of how music can be calm and assertive simultaneously.

Interesting Facts About

  •  Shirley Gooding loves to sing on big stages and at home. She believes every corner of her house has its unique song. 
  • She once performed in a concert during a big snowstorm. Everyone was surprised she made it, but she said, “The show must go on!.
  • Shirley learned to play the piano when she was a little older than you. She thinks it’s like talking with your fingers.
  • She has a collection of hats from all over the world. Each hat has a story from a different place where she sang.
  •  Shirley’s favourite colour is bright yellow. She says it reminds her of sunshine and happiness, just like her music.
  • Even though she’s famous, she still gets nervous before she sings. But once the music starts, it feels like flying.


How old is Shirley?

Shirley has celebrated many birthdays! The exact number is less significant than the joy she spreads with her music.

Did Shirley always want to be a singer?

Yes! Ever since she was very young, Shirley loved singing. It was her dream to share her songs with the world. 

What is Shirley’s favourite song to sing?

Shirley loves all songs because each one tells a different story. But she especially enjoys singing songs that make people happy.

. Can Shirley play any instruments?

Yes, Shirley learned to play the piano when she was a little girl and loves making music with it.

Does Shirley have any pets?

Shirley adores cats! She loves their soft fur and the soothing sounds they make. Remember, Shirley believes music and love are the most important things to share!


Shirley Gooding has shared her beautiful songs and a heart of music with us, making our world happier. Like a magical storybook, her life shows us that following our dreams and spreading joy through what we love is truly special. Shirley teaches us that singing from our hearts can make every day brighter and that we all have unique songs to share with the world.

Whether singing in the Rain or playing in the garden, there’s music all around us, waiting to make us smile. Shirley’s story isn’t just about singing; it’s about finding happiness in the little things and sharing that happiness with others. Let’s carry Shirley’s tune in our hearts and keep the music playing!

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